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Saturday, August 13, 2011

My Top 25!

Since I found photography over six and a half years ago I have learned different things which I would like to share with you. These lessons have given me valuable tools to continually satisfy my clients and I hope that you will find them stimulating and inspiring on your journey with the camera, too.

1.  Never do photography to become a rock-star.
2.  Enjoy what you are shooting.
3.  Always take one warm garment more than you actually need with you
4.  Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions while you are shooting
5.  Set goals you can achieve
6.  Write tips about photography, because writing is also learning
7.  Never go shooting without a tripod
8.  Be pleased with the little prosperities
9.  Build relationships with potential photo buddies
10.Watch the place you want to shoot first with your heart then with the camera
11. Always stay calm
12. Know that you tend to overestimate yourself
13. Take part in a photography community
14. Keep your camera clean
15. Never compare yourself to others in a better or worse context
16. Find your own style of photography
17. Seek out and learn to accept critique on your images
18. Do something different to recover creativity
19. Get inspiration from the work of other photographers
20. Criticize honestly but respectfully
21. Don’t copy other photographer’s style
22. Be bold
23. Take self portraits
24. Read books about photography
25. Every shooting situation is different than you expect

Do you know something that I didn’t mention? I would be glad if you let me know it as a comment, so I can learn from you!

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